Japanese researchers claim that they have come up with the best way to detect cancer accurately through using nematodes and human urine. The researcher has shown that roundworms that are around one millimeter long are able to detect cancer through the odors in the human urine. Cancer has been one of the most baffling diseases around the world and ever since, researchers have been trying to figure out how to detect cancer at an early stage. Many have died because of cancer and the lack of methods as to how to detect that disease before hand. Some people do not show symptoms of cancer, which can let them think that they do not have the disease in the first place until the cancer evolves and gets worst.
Nematodes and worms were tested to detect cancer
The Nematode Scent Detection Test, 242 urine samples were gathered by the researchers and found out that the test had 95.8% sensitivity rate. There were around 50 to 100 worms that were set on the middle of a plate and the urine samples were placed on the sides of the plate. The test was repeated on 242 different urines and the worms made their way to 24 out of 25 urines that were tested positive for cancer. The nematodes also detected cancer in five samples that were not categorized. This definitely will change the medical world and various researches might be found insufficient because of these recent findings. The roundworms did not react to any of the blood samples though and it is still unknown as to why there was such indifference.
This could simplify many scientific researches about cancer detection and is one way to minimize the costs of detecting the disease. The amount that would be spent on tests for cancer would be lessened and can now be accessible to more people as oppose to the expensive methods that used to be taken for cancer detection.
Image from Business Insider