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How Mary Jane Conquered the World


Where did the infamous marijuana drug originated from? From over two thousand years ago it was used as a hallucinogen and was extracted from the Indian hemp plant (cannabis). Not every smoker is aware of the fact that it contains four hundred different chemicals but the most popular ingredient in this drug is called THC. THC is the main cause of hallucination when inhaling the burnt hemp plant. The amount of THC in the hemp plant can be affected by the weather, soil, and other factors in order to determine the strength of the cannabis.

From just 1% of THC level in 1974 the percentage dramatically increased to 9.6% in 2008. The analysis of the drug started to catch other scientists and doctors attention during the 1970s and since then that was the highest level of THC ever recorded that can be found in a hemp plant due to modern farming techniques.

Toys on Marijuana

Toys on Marijuana

But as the time changes surely there are exceptions and other breeds of cannabis came about just like;

FUN FACT: Sinsemilla (Spanish for “without seeds”) can contain 7.5% to 24% level of THC.

Here are the short-term effects of the use of marijuana: poor coordination, anxiety, sensory distortion, panic attacks, sleepy, depressed, intense heartbeat, and lower reaction time.

Long-term effects can have its ups and downs and there are several claims that marijuana can even cure cancer or even prevent you from obtaining one but here are the following effects: reduced colds, lessen chances of having bronchitis, growth disorders, reducing of male sex hormones, lung fibers are destroyed, apathy, mood swings, inadequacy, and late reaction.

The scary thing about getting addicted with a certain type of drunk is that after a long time of abuse you do not feel the initial effects anymore. Only to find yourself in some semblance of normality rather than finding that world of euphoria you once knew.

I tried to smoke a joint before and I had no idea how it would feel like and how would you know when you’ve inhaled too much. Being a newbie in this drug infested world I felt as if that I was taken advantage by those who influenced me to try it. But I’m happy to say that I am not a frequent user and not even close to being addicted to it.

Image from My Anime List

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